Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 11 Yellowstone

We got partly booted out of Yellowstone.  Beth has a rash on both legs about 6" above ankles.  We went to the clinic in Yellowstone and the dr. said it was "Above the sock" rash, which is caused by swelling of the legs.  They prescribed compression hose.  As the dr. talked to her she asked about sleeplessness and shortness of breath.  The diagnosis was Acute Mountain Sickness, which is a sensitivity to high altitude. The altitude throughout the park is over 6600 ft. We were told to find a hotel in one of the outlying towns and not sleep in the park because it would get progressively worse.  That meant we had to cancel the reservations Beth had made months ago and search quickly for another room.  We are staying in Gardiner, MT, on the northern border of the park.  We also had to drive 90 miles north to Boseman, MT, to a CVS for the knee highs. There aren't any drugstores around here.  We had  to drive 90 miles north (Boseman Montanna) and get support hose and back to outside the park and check in at elevation one mile in Gardiner.  All this precipitated considerable plan changing and upheaval.

Though much of the day was about getting diagnosed and the drive to Boseman, the sights and scenery were spectacular  Here are some Biscuit basin features.  Could not figure out what the biscuits were.

One of the falls from Upper Geyser Basin.

At (steam) Roaring Mountain, the heat loving microbes secrete acid that eats the mountain, hence the gullys.

The Firehole River would be a great Place for Rolling Rock commercial.

Drive to Boseman.  The Yellowstone river influence along 89 North of Gardener 

1 comment:

  1. Beth, so sorry to hear about your altitude sickness and the necessity to change your best laid plans! Hope you will have a rapid recovery and that you will be able to continue to enjoy your trip. I am enjoying your trip thru your photos and comments. Take care!
